Category: Uncategorized

National Physical Fitness and Sports Month

Happy National Physical Fitness and Sports Month!

May is a great time to get more active and get outside.  I know a lot of people set new goals for these things back in January, and nowis another great opportunity to get off the couch and get active!  The weather is warming up, sports teams are forming at your local gym or YMCA for leagues, and the race season is really starting to open up!

This time last year, I was just starting out on my goal of running my first Full Marathon.  Signing up for a big race that I had never done before was a big boost to my motivation!  It was a catalyst for me as I worked to recover from Traumatic Birth and improve my overall health.  I knew that if I could run a marathon, I could do anything! I know without a doubt that I am healthier and happier now than when I started, and I want that for all of you too!

If you are on the fence right now about getting more active and getting healthier, I challenge you to go and sign up for a race near you! Whether it is a Marathon, Half Marathon 10K or even a 5K, having a goal on your calendar that you’re working towards is a great way to push yourself to get out there and run.

Since running the Disney World Marathon in January, I’ll be honest that it has been hard to keep up with working out and running.  Excuses that I’ve used to avoid running since moving to the great white north in February include:

  • It’s too cold out to run
  • I don’t have anyone to run with
  • I don’t have anyone to watch my toddler
  • I don’t have a jogging stroller

All of this changes this month!  My husband has been on a great transformation the past few months and we have decided to start training for our Fastest 5K goal together!  He blessed me with an awesome Baby Jogger stroller for Valentine’s Day this winter (so romantic, eh?) so there’s no reason why we can’t go out and enjoy the evening as a family and get  healthier.  We have registered for a 5K on the 4th of July to run as a family and our goal is to run it in 30 minutes or less!

I am so excited to start this goal with him.  He had struggled since getting out the Army with staying healthy and active, and since January he has been kicking butt and taking names – as well as losing a significant amount of weight!  He is so supportive and encouraging, and I have no doubt that we are going to crush this goal together.  I am also feeling so blessed that we can start to set this example for our toddler so that as he grows he knows how awesome it is to stay in shape and be active.

What goals are you going to set for this summer?  Let me know below, and we can help keep each other motivated!


For more information on National Physical Fitness and Sports month visit

Upacking the Diaper Bag Privilege

Recently there was a video that went viral regarding a job posting for “The Toughest Job in the World,”  spoiler alert: it was for being a Mom.  It was specifically for those Moms who dedicate every waking moment (apparently without any breaks, sleep or designated meals) to being the care giver to their children, aka the Stay at Home Mom.  But what about all those amazing men out there who do all of those things?  Yes, I realize that this video – designed as an advertisement for a greeting card company – was for Mother’s Day, but  I think that it perpetuates the stereotype that women will be the primary care giver, and not men.  And this is simply not the case.  It excludes an entire segment of an occupation based on gender alone.

I don’t think that a lot of people realize how much prejudice there can be surrounding Stay at Home Dads compared to Stay at Home Moms.  I have seen my husband face this time and time again. More than once he has been treated as a second rate parent by strangers and had people say and do incredibly rude and demeaning things.  Many people probably don’t even realize that they are perpetuating the stereotype that men aren’t good parents and that women have to do all of the care giving.  It is so ingrained in our society, that many don’t know how many priviledges are given to women compared to men in regards to daily parenting activities.

Here is a short (not all inclusive) list of things that SAHM are privileged to have that many SAHD do not have, simply because they are male.

As a SAHM:

1.  I can if I wish arrange to be in the company of other Stay at Home Parents of my gender most of the time.

2. I can go shopping alone with my child most of the time without strangers assuming I have kidnapped said child.

3. I can turn on the television or open the most recent parenting magazine and find other Stay at Home Parents of my gender represented.

4. I can attend events designed for parents and children to attend together and know that there will be another Stay at Home Parent of my gender in attendance (ie Toddler and Me Music, Story Time at the Library, Tumble Time for Toddlers, Swim Lessons, etc)

5.  I can let my child fuss in public without strangers making comments about my genders lack of parenting instinct.

6.  I can change a diaper without being called a credit to my gender.

7.  I can spend time with and play with my child without being called a credit to my gender.

8. I can arrange for a play date with other parents without people questioning my relationship fidelity or motives.

9.  I am not asked to speak for all the people of my gender in the Stay at Home Parenting role.

10.  I can come home from most parent organization meetings I belong to feeling somewhat tied in, rather than isolated, out-of-place, outnumbered, unheard, held at a distance, or feared.

11. I can be assured that there will be a diaper changing station in the restroom for my gender at the restaurant.

12.  I can find and join a social media support group for parents of my gender in my city, usually there are multiple to choose from.

13. I can answer questions regarding my childs preferences for foods, clothes, toys and more without my answer being second guessed due to my gender.

14. I can complain about how insanely crabby my kid was all day to other parents without it being attributed to my lack of experience because of my gender.

15. I can find a diaper bag/baby carrier etc that reflects my personal style with ease at most baby stores or large box stores.

16. I can care for my child while my co-parent is at work and not have people joke that I am babysitting.

17. I can slack off on my parenting duties without the risk of being labled a dead beat.


Think about how  your life as a parent would be effected if you couldn’t do all of those things.  How supported would you feel?  How included would you feel in the parenting community?  Have you ever treated a SAHD like a second rate parent – even if unintentional?  What can we do to change this mindset in our lives?


*edited to add #16 and 17.

Friday Fanfare

And today, for your inspiration, I present to you some fanfare.  A speech given by President Ronald Reagan.

“Now let’s set the record straight. There’s no argument over the choice between peace and war, but there’s only one guaranteed way you can have peace — and you can have it in the next second — surrender.

Admittedly, there’s a risk in any course we follow other than this, but every lesson of history tells us that the greater risk lies in appeasement, and this is the specter our well-meaning liberal friends refuse to face — that their policy of acc…ommodation is appeasement, and it gives no choice between peace and war, only between fight or surrender. If we continue to accommodate, continue to back and retreat, eventually we have to face the final demand — the ultimatum. And what then — when Nikita Khrushchev has told his people he knows what our answer will be? He has told them that we’re retreating under the pressure of the Cold War, and someday when the time comes to deliver the final ultimatum, our surrender will be voluntary, because by that time we will have been weakened from within spiritually, morally, and economically. He believes this because from our side he’s heard voices pleading for “peace at any price” or “better Red than dead,” or as one commentator put it, he’d rather “live on his knees than die on his feet.” And therein lies the road to war, because those voices don’t speak for the rest of us.

You and I know and do not believe that life is so dear and peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery. If nothing in life is worth dying for, when did this begin — just in the face of this enemy? Or should Moses have told the children of Israel to live in slavery under the pharaohs? Should Christ have refused the cross? Should the patriots at Concord Bridge have thrown down their guns and refused to fire the shot heard ’round the world? The martyrs of history were not fools, and our honored dead who gave their lives to stop the advance of the Nazis didn’t die in vain. Where, then, is the road to peace? Well it’s a simple answer after all.

You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, “There is a price we will not pay.” “There is a point beyond which they must not advance.” And this — this is the meaning in the phrase of Barry Goldwater’s “peace through strength.” Winston Churchill said, “The destiny of man is not measured by material computations. When great forces are on the move in the world, we learn we’re spirits — not animals.” And he said, “There’s something going on in time and space, and beyond time and space, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty.”

You and I have a rendezvous with destiny.

We’ll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we’ll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness” – Ronald Reagan

President Ronald Reagan


Critical Thinking Parenting

Critical thinking is a big topic in the military community.  We are educating our leaders on what critical thinking is, how to apply it, and how it can improve our decision making processes.  It was during one of these sessions this week that my mind began to wander a bit, and wonder how I could apply these skills to other areas of my life.  Especially as a parent, critical thinking skills can be a valuable tool to discern the information that is given to us from others, as well as to ensure that we are making educated choices about our families.

“Critical thinking is the disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action.” -Dr. Richard Paul

In other words, we need to question information that was given to us in order to make better decisions.

There are three things that can help increase our critical thinking skills including self-awareness, critical reasoning, and reflective thinking.  First, self-awareness is knowing your own biases, strengths and weaknesses and how these might effect your decision making process.  Knowing that I am biased in favor natural remedies, and what many people call attachment parenting, and how that bias effects my interpretation of parenting advice is an important tool in researching additional topics to ensure that I broaden my knowledge.  Second, critical reasoning is the process of solving problems, finding the causes to problems, and making good judgements.  Critical reasoning includes making sure that we investigate the information that is given to us to ensure that we are getting a well rounded picture of the information, and not taking the presented data as Truth without investigation.  Third, reflective thinking is learning from our past experiences.  By learning from our own experiences we are able to improve our futures by not making the same mistakes twice.  Using these three concepts can help us to approach different parenting decisions in a rational and logical way to make the best decisions for our families.

Another aspect of critical thinking is being able to recognize the fallacies in arguments that are used to try to persuade us to make a decision.  There are many types of fallacies including:

  • Hasty judgement – Making assumptions about a whole group or range of cases based on a sample that is inadequate
  • Missing the point – The premises of an argument do support a particular conclusion—but not the conclusion that the arguer actually draws.
  • Post Hoc or False Cause – Assuming that because B comes after A, A caused B.
  • Slippery Slope – The arguer claims that a sort of chain reaction, usually ending in some dire consequence, will take place, but there’s really not enough evidence for that assumption.
  • Weak Analogy – two things that are being compared aren’t really alike in the relevant respects,
  • Appeal to Authority – get readers to agree with us simply by impressing them with a famous name or by appealing to a supposed authority who really isn’t much of an expert,
  • Ad Populum or Speaking for Everyone – the arguer takes advantage of the desire most people have to be liked and to fit in with others
  • Ad Hominem and Tu quoque (personal attacks) – focus our attention on people rather than on arguments or evidence
  • Appeal to Pity – tries to get people to accept a conclusion by making them feel sorry for someone
  • Appeal to Ignorance – the arguer basically says, “Look, there’s no conclusive evidence on the issue at hand. Therefore, you should accept my conclusion on this issue.”
  • Straw Man – the arguer sets up a wimpy version of the opponent’s position and tries to score points by knocking it down.
  • Red Herring – Partway through an argument, the arguer goes off on a tangent, raising a side issue that distracts the audience from what’s really at stake.
  • False Dichotomy – the arguer sets up the situation so it looks like there are only two choices. The arguer then eliminates one of the choices, so it seems that we are left with only one option: the one the arguer wanted us to pick in the first place.
  • Begging the Question – relies on a premise that says the same thing as the conclusion (which you might hear referred to as “being circular” or “circular reasoning”)
  • Equivocation – sliding between two or more different meanings of a single word or phrase that is important to the argument

I realize that this isn’t an in depth explanation of each, but a few of these caught my eye as being used by parents to try to convince others to make the same decisions that they did.  Appeal to ignorance is used by vaccine advocates by saying that they haven’t proved vaccines to be unsafe, so therefore they must be safe.  Ad Hominem and tuquoque fallacies have been prevalent recently regarding the hiring of Jenny McCarthy on the television show The View.  An appeal to pity might be used to try to tell you to forward face your child’s car seat sooner despite research proving that rear facing to the age of four is absolutely safer, “well, they must be so bored facing backwards, they’d be much happier forward facing!”  Ad Populum fallacies are used to encourage routine infant circumcision in that “he wouldn’t want to look different, he’ll be made fun of.”

And even as I write those examples, I realize that I have used the same types of fallacies in my arguments for natural living and advocating different topics.  It has been eye opening this week to hear about these concepts.  I hope to grow more in my critical thinking skills and also in my research skills to ensure that I can make logical decisions based upon reliable research.

Here are some general tips for finding fallacies in your own arguments:

  • Pretend you disagree with the conclusion you’re defending. What parts of the argument would now seem fishy to you? What parts would seem easiest to attack? Give special attention to strengthening those parts.
  • List your main points; under each one, list the evidence you have for it. Seeing your claims and evidence laid out this way may make you realize that you have no good evidence for a particular claim, or it may help you look more critically at the evidence you’re using.
  • Learn which types of fallacies you’re especially prone to, and be careful to check for them in your work. Some writers make lots of appeals to authority; others are more likely to rely on weak analogies or set up straw men. Read over some of your old papers to see if there’s a particular kind of fallacy you need to watch out for.
  • Be aware that broad claims need more proof than narrow ones. Claims that use sweeping words like “all,” “no,” “none,” “every,” “always,” “never,” “no one,” and “everyone” are sometimes appropriate—but they require a lot more proof than less- sweeping claims that use words like “some,” “many,” “few,” “sometimes,” “usually,” and so forth.
  • Double check your characterizations of others, especially your opponents, to be sure they are accurate and fair.

I hope to apply these to my writing in the future to be a well balanced and well researched advocate as well.  Have you caught yourself using a fallacy when giving parenting advice to others?  How have you changed your parenting approach to avoid fallacies in the past?


 Fallacies The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Birth Story: Aggie

Sharing stories of inspiration is one of the goals of Combat Boot Mama. I believe that sharing birth stories that are raw and real can help women everywhere reclaim the trust in their bodies and make birth a natural and beautiful event again for those who have faced traumatic birth.  Today, I’d like to share a beautiful VBAC story with you.  But not just any VBAC, a beautiful home birth!

The oh-so-incrdibly healing HBAC birth of Evren Agnes “Aggie”

“I’m laying in bed beside this angel, and it is hard for me to believe that it happened – just like that.  Everyone tells you that your body knows what to do – that you will know what to do.  But after our first birth, there was so much doubt in my own body and its ability to birth a baby.  I had so much doubt in myself.

I cannot share Agnes’ story without first sharing a little about our son Davey’s birth:

4 years before Aggie was born, in a hospital waiting room, my husband and I were recovering both mentally and physically, from the traumatic birth of our son.  It was now six days after his birth, and although I had been released, our newborn boy had not.  He had spiked a fever the day we were to be released, and when they tested his blood, the blood sample grew and they began antibiotic treatment for an infection (they were not yet sure what).  Our birth had already been traumatic, culminating after days in a cesarean after being diagnosed with “cephalopelvic disproportion”.  I had gone to the hospital at 5cm and quickly moved to 7.  I got on the toilet and had contractions there, threw up and felt pushy.  I asked my husband to call the midwife and tell her that I was ready to push.  When she arrived, however, I was checked and told I was still “only 7cm”, and that I was “probably going to stay at 7 for hours and of course I couldn’t be feeling pushy…lets talk pain management ” – they called into question my ability to read my body’s cues, and made me doubt myself.  13 hours later I was still 7cm and had lost the urge to push or to continue, but I was stubborn.  We labored another 16 hours when my care provider told me that as midwives they could no longer care for me, and that the doctor on call would have to take over.  He came in ready for a cesarean.  After days of labor, my husband was the first to hold our son.  When he was handed to me I couldn’t sit upright – I couldn’t feel myself, and so began months of hard work to gain back that important time we lost in those first hours to connect.  Our stubbornness helped to get us through those first 10 days in the hospital, where I pumped every 2 hours to feed him my breast milk that he refused to take from my breast.  When we refused to allow our newborn to be moved to the nursery to get his antibiotics rounds and made them come to us in the waiting room where we were “living”.  When we refused to allow the medical staff to use scare tactics every time we questioned what they were doing, or refused the spinal until we had more proof of an actual infection (the second blood sample came back normal, which meant that the first sample that “grew” was contaminated and he was being treated for an infection he never had).

Our hospital experience left my husband and I heartbroken.  It took over a year for us to talk about our experience, and much longer to even consider the idea of more children.  The ONLY reason we decided to start trying was we both knew we didn’t want an only child – but we also knew we didn’t have another birth like Davey’s in us.  I knew that if we were going to do it again, we were going to do everything in our power to have a HBAC.  My husband, while a little worried, was completely on board.  He couldn’t go back to the hospital, either.

Fast forward 3+ years later:

Once I got pregnant, I worked hard to find the midwife right for me.  I was worried though – I had thought I made the right choices with my last care providers – how could I rely on my gut feelings when I had been so wrong before?  I did my research, talked to other homebirth moms and felt confident in the midwife I chose.  I am a runner, completing my first marathon a month and a half before I got pregnant.  I believe this marathon was a test to show myself that I could go mind over body – that I could do something hard – and that my body was not broken.  When I got pregnant, I didn’t stop running.  Every run was proof that I was healthy, and my body could do anything I wanted it to do.  At 26 weeks pregnant I finished my 2nd  26.2 marathon, proving to myself that if I could do that, I could do anything.

Every urine sample, every blood draw, every run was replacing doubt with the confidence in my ability to birth the baby that was growing inside of me.  I read birth stories and looked for other ways to ensure success.  At 32 weeks I started drinking red raspberry leaf tea and at 36 weeks started to eat 6-8 dates a day (  I went to a chiropractor, a cranial sacral therapist, and took prenatal yoga.  I took my vitamins everyday and ate right.  And of course, I continued to run… 

37 weeks, 6 miles

By 37 weeks I was starting to feel confident.  At least I knew that whatever the outcome of this birth, I had done EVERYTHING in my power to have a successful HBAC.  Sunday (2/10) we celebrated our son’s 4th birthday.  I quietly told baby that it would not be very nice to crash his or her brothers birthday, and that I would be thrilled whenever he/she joined us, but not that day.  After the party, I cleaned everything up – took all the thomas the tank engine stuff down, and shared with baby that I was now ready for birth whenever.  I had no expectation that it would happen soon – just that I was ready for it (due date wasn’t until 2/18) – The following morning (2/11- 39 weeks) I began to lose my mucus plug, and lost it throughout the day.  Knowing that this didn’t mean anything, I texted my midwife to let her know, and immediately put it in the back of my head.  Tuesday (2/12) I had an appointment with the back up OB.  We scheduled another appointment for a week later (which I fully intended to be pregnant for).  I then kissed my husband goodbye, and went back to work.  For fun, I decided to start timing the surges I was having on my way to work, and was surprised to see that they were consistently 10 minutes apart.  But, they were not bothersome, so I felt like it was a waste to even be timing them and decided to stop.  When I got back to work I had a couple that jostled me, but overall they were manageable and I was able to finish up my work and left at 3:30.  I traveled about an hour to pick up my son, and we headed to target where I had another good surge. Still, though, I felt they were not long enough or strong enough to be the real deal.  I called my doula and told her I was going to have dinner and tea in bed with my son, and thought it would all settle down.  We made plans to take a walk the next morning.  At 7pm I called my husband home, still thinking it was against my better judgement.  I told him that I didn’t think it was anything, but was feeling kinda crummy and needed him to come and hang out with our 4 year old and just be close.  At 9pm I started putting our son to bed, and he fell asleep at 9:30.  I read Cat in the Hat AND Cat in the Hat comes back through some surges without trouble.  I would check the clock and noticed that they were still 10 minutes apart or longer, and not consistent in strength, so I shrugged each one of them off.  When he fell asleep I went back into our bedroom to make a phone call.  While I was on the phone I had a surge and POP, felt a gush between my legs.  When pregnant with our son I thought my water had broken, but it was a false alarm.  This was in the back of my mind when I called my midwife, and I know my husband was getting worried that I was getting my hopes up, or getting excited that this might be it.  I told her I thought that my water may have broken, but I wasn’t sure.  She told me to call her back when contractions got closer together and stronger.  She said she would probably see me tonight, and I remember rolling my eyes at the thought that this was really it – yeah right!  I turned my hypnobirthing CD on and crawled into bed, still not willing to believe that it was time.  In bed I had 3 surges that were no fun in bed, and would end in my needing to use the bathroom (for 1 and 2) immediately after.  After the third one, I decided something was probably up – but the contractions were still so far apart!  I was convinced I was going to call everyone out to the house for NOTHING.  My midwife and her apprentice had an hour travel time, and I was so worried to make them drive all the way to me and have to turn around because it was nothing.  I refused to call them before I was certain I was in labor.  My husband seemed just as skeptical.  But then I vomited.  As I watched my sypathetic puker husband gag as he cleaned my vomit through another contraction, I decided it was probably time to call the midwife (11pm).  “Are you sure?!” he asked, knowing how worried I was about calling everyone too soon.  I nodded, but I still wasn’t sure!  He suggested that he time some of the contractions so he had some “data” to share with her, but all of a sudden I couldn’t tell where one stopped and the next began.  All of a sudden they were right on top of each other, and I was finding it difficult to tell Sam when to start and stop the clock.   He finally gave up on getting data and made the call.  He shared with her what we were experiencing and she told him she would be there as quickly as she could.  SHE knew that the baby was coming.  We were still in denial.  While we waited for her, I asked Sam to fill the birth tub.  He immediately got to work, leaving me to labor alone.  As soon as he left I had a couple really strong surges and didn’t like being without someone close by.  I called our doula who lives about 20 minutes away.  She listened to a contraction and I heard her tell her husband she needed to leave right away.  After hanging up with her I was continuing to have surges and started to feel pushy.  I called our midwife who was in the car on her way to us to share the information, and put her on speakerphone while I clung to the kitchen counter where I stopped for another strong surge.  I was confused – how could I be pushy if I wasn’t in labor?  “I was afraid of that,” she responded, and said, “Honey, if you are feeling pushy you are ready to push!”  She stayed on the phone and listened to another surge.  She told me to reach up inside and tell her if I could feel anything.  With my middle finger inside the birth canal I could feel something hard – It was the head!!  She yelled for Sam and told him to abandon the birth tub, there wasn’t time for it.  She told him to get towels, and prepared him for the possibility of us delivering the baby without her.  I kept telling her this wasn’t happening.  I’m not in labor!  Okay, at that point I knew I was, but I have LOOONG labors – the baby couldn’t be coming yet!  I started pushing, and for about 30 minutes I eased the baby down with every surge.  My doula arrived 15 minutes before baby came.  She helped me to breathe lower and find a more efficient pushing tone.  5 minutes later our midwife arrived, and 10 minutes later, at 12:04, I reached down from the high squat position I had been in since my first major surge in my own kitchen, reached down between my legs and caught my baby with help from my midwife’s loving hands.  I was in complete shock.  My husband and I looked at each other and I couldn’t stop saying, “Oh, my god!” and marveling at what had just happened.

It took a couple minutes to realize we didn’t check the gender yet.  I opened the blanket we covered her in and were surprised to find that we had had a girl!!  Evren Agnes was born at 12:04, just over an hour after calling our midwife to come, and less than 3 hours after my waters broke.  She weighed 7lbs, 7 oz.  We are over the moon with love, but also with the joy of how our little Aggie made it into the world on her own terms.

And, of course…I GOT MY HBAC!!!!

First photo taken less than 18 hours before birth, 2nd taken on my due date, 5 days post partum.

From Aggie’s Proud Papa:

It is important to note that the birthing experience with my son did not go according to plan. We had wanted Natural Childbirth. The Hospital and “Midwives” there did nothing to help us get what we wanted. Instead, they found every way in the world to defeat my wife’s spirit, and deny us the gift of having our son born naturally. I was the first to hold my son; he was delivered via C-Section. While I wish that he had not been born this way, and that this was not what we had wanted, it left my wife with an emotional scar that I feel responsible for.

When my daughter was born, I felt that this helped to partially heal that wound for her. This proves, without a shadow of a doubt, that my wife can do whatever she sets her mind to. Run a marathon? No problem. Run a marathon pregnant? No problem. Give birth to a baby in our kitchen? No fucking problem. The female body is an amazing thing. My wife is an amazing woman. I am proud of her, and our family. This experience was great. I recommend Home Birth. Check it out.”

Story and photographs courtesy of the beautiful and strong Sara Gage Danks. Reproduction and distribution of the story and photographs is not authorized without the consent of the original author.

But at least we are both healthy.

In the weeks, and months, that came after my sons birth day, we went through a lot.

Because he had breathed in amniotic fluid and muconeum following the cesarean, my son was in the NICU for a week while his breathing stabilized. He battled jaundice, dehydration and failure to thrive.  We had trouble breastfeeding because of the delay after birth, the CPAP machine, the monitors, and the horrid nurses who had no patience to help me at all.  Although he was 9 pounds, 15 ounces when he was born, he was down to 8 pounds 2 ounces before my milk finally arrived on day five.  The antibiotics that they had pumped into me during labor (since I was GBS+), had not only delayed my milk for five days, but also triggered a massive case of thrush in both of us.

But at least we were both healthy.

It took eight weeks to rid of us the thrush.  It’s taken a lot longer to to not sob when I think of his birth.  The nightmares began to wane, but with the recent talk to TTC again, they have returned a couple of nights each week.

It took me ten months to admit to myself that I had PPD.  That it wasn’t my Thyroid, or stress at work, or adjusting to a routine, or lack of sleep.  Even when I  did finally talk to the doctor, I was too embarrassed to admit to the nightmares.  The military takes mental disorders very seriously.  It could have a very serious impact on my career…  What if they think I am unfit to continue serving? So I stayed quiet.

But at least we are both healthy.

I started reaching out to others.  Slowly breaking my silence.  Taking bittersweet comfort in the stories of others facing the same birth demons.  There are so many of us out there.  Many who have friends, colleagues, family, and even spouses who just don’t understand.  How do you put into words the craving of birth?  How do explain the disconnect of your child being born, but not birthing them, if they haven’t felt it themselves?

But at least we are both healthy.